New House

Posted: July 7, 2010 in Uncategorized

We finally got the key to our new home yesterday after months of negotiation, solicitors phone calls and living with Sian’s parents for a week. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness throughout the whole process. As a family we have learned to trust you more, please forgive me for doubting, for wanting to be in control. I pray that our new home will be used for Gospel reason, I pray that we will see many come to Christ within its walls, that many will be Blessed. Help us to see our new home as a Gospel tool that you have given us. we praise you Lord for your continued goodness and provision.

And so it begins!

Posted: August 6, 2009 in Uncategorized

Tonight I have a meeting with the elders at Ramilies Road Church to discuss how things are going to move forward. I really enjoy spending time with these Gospel Men, it is a privilege to spend time with them gleaning from their wisdom. I pray that through God’s Grace we will grow to love each other in Christ and serve Him faithfully together. our conversation will be full of detail but talking detail from a Gospel perpsective and mission focus is good fun and exciting.